- その口紅の跡は洗っても取れなかった.
the lipstick stains didn't wash out 意味
- "the lions eyed the passing herd for prey"の英語
- "the lions growled savagely"の英語
- "the lions moved in for the kill"の英語
- "the lions moved in on the wounded gazelle"の英語
- "the lip of a cup"の英語
- "the liquid grace of a ballerina"の英語
- "the liquid had no perceptible smell, either good or bad"の英語
- "the liquid has evaporated completely"の英語
- "the liquid is at (the) boiling point"の英語
- "the lions moved in on the wounded gazelle"の英語
- "the lip of a cup"の英語
- "the liquid grace of a ballerina"の英語
- "the liquid had no perceptible smell, either good or bad"の英語